Posts tagged with "thriller"

08. January 2020
Recension av Vad Hände i Tulisaari? Det här är en riktig liten pärla. Det finns en gåta, ett mord har begåtts och en del skrämmande och underliga saker händer Emilia när hon återvänder till mormors hus. Men det är också lite feelgood över historien. Hur som helst så tycker jag mycket om språket och sättet den är skriven på, varvat nutid och tillbakablickar.
27. February 2019
So please to have another five-star review for my suspense novel THE DAUGHTER! "... this one hooks you in quite quickly with a curiosity, that is if you have an interest in thrillers/crime novels. It's quite a fresh read in a well trodden genre. I went back to this a few times since completion, that is always a good sign with any book."

11. January 2019
Book review of The Daughter. "This is a quick, easy read, with enough suspense that it's hard to stop reading once you get started. Recommended for readers looking for some small-town Nordic Noir that's a bit different, or anyone wanting to read something set in Finland."
04. January 2019
I am so happy that my thriller The Daughter has received another five-star review on Goodreads. A huge thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed by book during 2018!